Our Mission...
Picasso once said “Every child is an artist”…Beaux Arts DRIVES kids to ART and helps as bring art to supplies to kids.
Beaux Arts is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization with a mission to encourage a more in depth understanding and appreciation of fine and applied arts to children, young people, and adults. We are also proud to sponsor events that bring the community together and celebrate arts and culture in Broward County.
Beaux Arts Fort Lauderdale began in 1959 and has raised more than $5 million dollars for the NSU Art Museum. Today, 60 years later we continue to support our community with a focus on Broward County students by supporting Museum on the Move. This program pays for field trips bringing children to the NSU Art Museum at no cost to the school or student, including transportation and even an interactive art project. Beaux Arts Members are leading by example in South Florida with a strong group of “Artsy Ladies with an EDGE” that volunteer, support children, the community, and drive kids to art.